Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lack of Compassion, Charity, and Love

So Amy wrote an interesting post a couple of days ago that is just full of things I want to talk about. So I am going to type up a series of posts on the topics that come up from her post and from the people who commented on her post. The whole things started when Mormon Mommy Blogs announced that she was taking questions for the President of the Relief's Society, an organisation of women in the LDS Church. a lot of women jumped at this and asked questions ranging from why don't women have the priesthood, to how can i fight the guilt I feel for having to work instead of staying home with my kids, to I really have a lot on my plate does it have to be a requirement for me to do X, Y, and Z? I read through the questions and thought you know 

I feel bad for these women. Like this one a women's Son has been convicted, she wanted the ward in the area to be there for her son and help him get through this trying time, instead he was excommunicated. another women has three children and she wants one more but she is struggling with the fact that her husband doesn't want any more and the people at church keep asking her when she is going to have another. a women asks why she and her husband can't be sealed to each other even though they have done everything that is required of them. another women talked about how she felt guilty for having to work outside the home and couldn't be home with her family. 

It seriously looked to me like these where women in the church that were hurting and they really had very few places to turn. 

I found this post through Amy's Blog 'My Infernal Journal' and I I was surprised to see her reaction post. It was a post about how these women needed to just stop being so whiney, and how they were acting like they expected their lives to be trouble free because they were part of the church. How dare they complain about things. she was venting and I get that but then this was followed by comments that were agreeing with her and patting her on the back, kind of a "you tell um." It's like these women can possibly have something that they are going through, they can't possibly be anything but a bunch of complaining bitches. There was no compassion, no Charity, no love for these women. I may believe a lot of things that are not good about the Mormon religion. Yes I think that it is heresy. but my experience with Mormon people has always been that they are the most loving and 'christian' people. So this kind of came as a shock to me from a Mormon mommy blog that I mostly lurk on. Grant it now she knows I lurk there...opps. It really made me thankful that the Church I go to is full of people I can go to if I am struggling and they will listen. They know what I struggle with and even if I don't get better at the rate they think I should they still love me. 

Besides this there were other topics that came up that I will take a post for each to talk about. Women and the priesthood, the purpose of the church, Happiness and Truth, responsibly of Church Leaders, Satan in the Mormon understanding. 


  1. I hope you'll post the link of my follow up post.

    ... and I didn't assume you were athiest.

  2. Oh yes, that might get posted about sooner then some of the other topics you gave and your commenters gave me to think about.
