Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Satan in the Mormon understanding.

This one Caught me off guard, not because I didn't know that it was what Mormons theology taught but because I had actually never heard one talk about it.

 It was Satan's plan to make sure everyone had it easy and that everyone would be guaranteed a win. 

Wow, that is all I can say at first, I mean wow. See I am one of those people who has read more philosophy then the average person, I think I can say that without being dishonest. I mean I am far from a philosopher, all my philosophy was philosophy of Religion and all taught by the same professor so it is not the most impressive philosophy education but it is something. and they were all graduate level so that has got to count for something right?  This statement just causes a huge explosion in the problem of pain and suffering category of philosophy.

Okay basic Philosophy lesson time- the Problem of pain and suffering centers around a simple question. why do good people suffer? basic stuff I mean Job, quite a few Psalms ask this question, and Solomon deals with this as well in Ecclesiastes. Now here is the argument. For God to be truly worthy of worship he must be all powerful and Good. If God is good and all powerful then there will be no suffering. because A. God is good and therefore would not want his creation to suffer, and B. He is powerful enough to keep people from suffering. there is suffering so either God is not all Good or all powerful. If he wants to keep his creation from suffering but has not the power to stop suffering then he is not worthy of worship because he is not all powerful. If he is all powerful but does not stop suffering then he is an evil God and not worthy of Worship.

Okay I know that there are many arguments about why the premises are wrong it fails to take into account sinful nature, free will, and other things but that is not the point. The point is that this statement that What I did Today is making is saying that Satan is not the source of our pain and suffering. he wanted to do that which the philosophers say that God should have done which was make it so all people always choose the right, good, and noble thing all the time. They say that a truly Good God then he would make a world where people would always choose the good so no one would ever suffer, or need to suffer. Particularly if it is truly God's will that all be saved. this statement makes it seem that Satan wanted to stack the deck in our favor and God decided to stack the deck against us.

This to me says that God is a God who has the power to allow his creation to never suffer but refuses to make use of that power, more so that God is making us suffer on purpose. That really makes the God of Mormonism out to be a rat bastard.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want to stir the pot but I have to at least tell you what I think.
    I know you might not agree with me on some of these points, but I had to put my two cents in.

    1. God is a perfect parent. A perfect parent who knows what His children need to grow, to learn, and to become the very best they can be. Sometimes He allows bad things to happen because of the fallen nature of this world we live in. But then it's up to us to allow our hardships to make us better. Never are we alone in our struggles even though it seems like we are. He may allow hardship, but He also prepares a way for relief. Sometimes that might not happen until the next life.

    2. God loves His children. He wants them to grow. He wants them to become the best they can be. We can't do that unless we learn by our own experience, mistakes, and sometimes even trials. There ARE such things as miracles.

    3. Satan wanted to take the glory of God for himself with no effort on his part. If God's children were made to do only good things, make good choices, and be all-in-all perfect people, there'd be no reason for a Savior. There'd also be no growth, no ingenuity, and no progress. Christ volunteered to take on the role as our Savior so we COULD progress, learn, grow, and prove ourselves to our Father. He knew He would have to suffer unimaginable pain to atone for the sins of the world, but He was willing because He loved God and He loved God's children. Satan had no love for God's children and was not willing to suffer for their sins.
    Because God allowed sin, pain, and sadness into this mortal world of ours, and because Christ accomplished the Atonement, we are able to have faith in Him, prove ourselves to Him, become better people, and achieve a better world when this life is over. And yes, a better world in this life too.

    4. God also allows bad things to happen to good people to justify the righteous and condemn the wicked.

    I hope I explained this well. I know God is all-powerful and all-knowing, but he is also merciful and loving. With the pain and the turmoil, there is still hope and joy.
    Sorry that was such a long comment. I really hope this opens up a new perspective for you, or at least introduces new ideas that you're willing to ponder. I'm not trying to change your mind, just offer a different point of view.
